Call Here

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Call Here, a service of Store Here Self Storage, acts as a backup for your staff to turn any missed phone calls into rentals. Our work-from-home agents bring excellent results.

Call Here is a cloud based call center that can rent units over the phone, take current customer payments, put notes in the tenant’s SiteLink notes section and help handle basic customer service issues. One hour of FREE consulting exclusive for SBOA Members.

Call Here is a boutique call center that serves the self-storage industry as an off-site sales force and on-demand assistant manager. We can rent units over the phone to new callers, help manage current tenant accounts, and take rental payments. The return on investment is tremendous.

Our conversion rates of inquiries to rentals are the best in the business. Set-up is easy. Payment terms are simple. Extend your effective operating hours and rent more units by using Call Here!

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Our professional sales force has an outstanding conversion rate. More rentals mean more revenue.
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