The 5 Most Important Notifications to Receive from Your Access Control Software

The Most Important Notifications to Receive from Your Access Control Software

Access Control Software:
What Notifications are Important?

Your access control software is the backbone of your storage site’s security. Receiving notifications from the software helps you identify security events. But which messages are most important? We receive notifications from numerous applications daily, and it is easy to miss essential notifications simply because you get too many of them! Let’s discuss the critical notifications your access control software should provide.

1. Select User on-Site

First, you should be able to know when specific tenants are on-site. This option is invaluable if you have a delinquent tenant attempting to access her unit. Sometimes people forget to pay! With the help of notifications, you can speedily help her pay her bill if she tries to gather her valuables without paying rent.

2. Select Unit Door Open

Your software should also tell you when unit doors are open. The software should sync with door alarms so you know when unauthorized individuals attempt to open a unit or another access point on your site.

3. Access Code Failure

You should also be notified of any access code failures. In addition to preventing unauthorized access to your site, enabling this notification allows you to quickly assist tenants when they forget their code and need to reset it.

4. Gate or Door Forced Open

Your access control software should notify you when someone attempts to force a gate or door open. Unfortunately, vandals may force a gate open to access the property. However, this notification enables site owners and operators to respond to these security incidents in real-time. They can call the authorities from an offsite location and minimize property damage thanks to the speedy response.

5. Customizable Notifications

Although “customizable notifications” is not a specific type of notification, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that being able to customize the delivery of your notifications is crucial. Every storage facility is different. Your access control software and notification options should adapt to those unique needs. For example, you may want to receive more notifications during after-hours access than when a manager is on the property. Or, you may want to monitor more security events concerning specialty storage units than traditional storage units. You need the freedom to decide what works best for your facility!

Interested in reading more about how notifications improve your site’s security? Download the free guide on notifications you should receive from your access control software.

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